Fixed an Index out of Bounds error thrown by /pokereset when only the player specified.
Improved rendering with underwater evolution ores. Improved how translated NPC filenames are read, which was causing them not to appear in game. Fixed a texture issue with stick plates. Fixed a shutdown delay related to certain storage items and players using OreSense. Fixed a server crash related to quest translation. Fixed Pokémon who are uninfected by Pokérus having the expired icon in the PokeChecker GUI. Feinting a Pokemon after receiving a Dynamax band will no longer prevent the Mega Bracelet UI showing in certain circumstances. CurryDex will now properly show ratings. An error with levelMultiplier causing Boss pokemon to spawn at level 0 has been fixed. Added missing Chatting NPC models, female Pokéfan, female Preschooler, female Psychic, female Ranger, male Pokéfan, male Ranger, male Scientist, Pokémon Breeder and Pokémon Breeder 2. 18865 Fixed a syntax error caused by Mushroom Curry on a shopkeeper. 18853 Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus, and Enamorus will now swap their forms as intended. 18845 Fixed a visual error with partially filled Orbs. 18813 Power Band will no longer drop twice in rare Boss drops. 18728 Fixed a crash issue related to Trash Cans. 18705 Maranga berry leaves will now drop properly. 18700 Command /pokespawn random legendary yielding an incorrect ability Legendary Pokémon. 18689 Targeting an in-battle Trainer NPC causing a server crash. 18684 hidden-ability-rate in spawning.yml wil now respect changes to the value. 18666 Pixelmon Ores will no longer give exp when Silk-Touched. 18654 Exp candies will no longer give experience twice.
18629 Fixed Mega Charizard-Y not using its flying animation. 18591 Fixed /pokesee only showing "Empty" and no Pokémon in the player's party, even if they have Pokémon. 18585 Healers now drop ingots rather than plates. 18577 Fixed berry signs placed on a wall dropping regular oak signs. 18558 Relic Crown is now equippable again. 18331 Added sprites for Ruins Walls and Dusty Walls. 18154 Calyrex can now change forms as intended. 18098 Fixed an issue with Berry Wood Sign rendering. 17788 Creator Wobuffet now uses the correct model. 17670 Neo Plasma armour now uses the correct texture. 17594 Move skill 'Smelt' failing to work as intended. 17549 Fixed an error on Arclight servers related to Cameras. 17462 17547 Quick Balls and Dusk Balls will now apply their bonuses properly. #OPTIFINE FOR MINECRAFT 1.11.2 PC#
The message stating a Pokémon was sent to the PC now shows their localized name instead of nickname.18643 Adjusted the spawning rate of Hidden Abilities.18601 Removed replace-mc-structures in structures.yml as it is no longer in use.18332 You can now smelt the following ores in a furnace and blast furnace Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Crystal, Moon Stone, Ice Stone, Shiny Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Water Stone, Fire Stone, Sun Stone, Dusk Stone, and Dawn Stone.17820 The Orb item is now located under the Miscellaneous creative tab instead of Held Items.17509 18316 Decorate Pixelmon blocks that could hold items will now drop those items when destroyed.Added ability to specify "chance" in the "spawnInfos" section of the spawn sets which is a decimal value specifying a chance of the set not spawning.
Added ResourceWithFallback for fallback texture, sprite, model and emissive support. Added missing fossils (cleaned/covered) and missing berries to ShopItems. 18865 Fixed an ID mismatch for the Leaf Storm and Outrage TRs in shopkeepers. Pokémon names and random can now be tab-completed in /pokegive. /compsee and /compsearch will now properly prove feedback. /givepixelsprite now allows tab completion. They probably won't even notice this until it's released. One of our devs has a LAME sense of humor so I'm adding the entry exactly like that. This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught THE MAGIKARP SUBMARINE. #OPTIFINE FOR MINECRAFT 1.11.2 UPDATE#
The minimum Forge version for this update is 36.2.30 and is required for a Pixelmon client to run.